Monday, September 29, 2014

Change is good, but I still don't like it much.

One of the struggles in my life and in my walk with Christ has been completely letting go of the plans I had and simply allowing God to direct me as life unfolded. I knew His plan for my life was FAR greater then what I had on paper, mostly because I heard it a billion times in church. I also read it in the bible. Still, I struggled. 

For some context, I was the type of girl who had her whole life planned out, on a calendar and everything. I made list, has a schedule and even a chart ha. If something didn't go that way, I would have an anxiety attack. Being spontaneous sounds cute and all, but that's just not me. I not very fond of surprises, being late or things being out of their place. I like order, structure and routine. I know, I know, when I say it that way I sound crazy, boring or both! But I'm not (ok maybe just a little). Trust me when I say I have come A LONG WAY.

Planning, scheduling and organizing give me such a rush! I'm not even joking when I say that I look forward to buying a planner for the new year coming up. Its like a holiday for me! I even do my research -___- haha I'm sure I'm not the only one here, right?

On my last post, I shared a bit about how I struggled with moving out of my 'family home' and into a new apartment with my husband. Its been the greatest change for me yet! Being married with my husband felt so natural, but leaving behind my old life at home wasn't.

Its month four at our new apartment and I JUST got comfortable. Well, bye bye comfort. My amazing God has a great sense of humor and He decided to open a door of opportunity we just could not resist. The chance to own our very own little home <3 It literally happened from one Sunday to the next! There were tears again, mostly tears of joy.  

Moving was exhausting! I am sore in places I didn't think could get sore! haha My husband and I couldn't be happier!!! Our hearts are just overflowing with gratitude. I always feel SOOO blessed and favored by God, but there are some moments where I just feel COMPLETELY spoiled!!! I'm just such a daddy's girl and I love being His princess.

Change causes us to step out of our comfort zone and that is never easy. Change might mean a variety of things from person to person, but its important for us to remember that Christ will never leave us nor forsake us. Every time things change, I have the opportunity to see the mighty hand of God in my life and my faith only continues to grow. I may cry, pout and complain for a bit, but I know change is good for me. Things didn't turn out like I thought, they turned out even better!!! I may not know what the future holds, but I do know who holds my future.

Our new home <3

P.S., Y'all know I LOVE me a good project! I am super excited for this new adventure of turning our simple clean mobile home into a Chic Cozy Cottage!!! <3 ahhh (this means time, work and money and my husband’s not excited about that) lol Ill be posting pictures of all the DIY projects as I go along :)

Blessings xoxo